Let PR show you how to attract more customers with these examples
In blogs and news media, we can read all about instances where companies have made mistakes or wound up knee-deep in a crisis. Pundits and critics love to expound for days on end about what the company did wrong and who should shoulder the blame. However, we rarely discuss companies that are doing things right.
While it may be easier to remember the companies that are behaving badly, you can probably learn more from a company’s success story. There are many examples of companies that have made their mark by making good choices, and they are often using PR as an important tool in that success.
Example No. 1: Qdoba
The restaurant chain started a smart social media campaign asking consumers to vote for their favorite new queso dip flavors. They kept followers interested with real-time vote tallies and updates. This gave fans a real voice in what the restaurant decides to put on its menu and generated buzz about the chain as a whole.
➔ Your company can also use social media for maximum advantage with help from PR. PR pros can show you how to create the right kind of content to attract your ideal customer on the sites they actually use.
Example No. 2: Priceline.com
Instead of simply trying to attract media attention for its travel discount website, the company went a step further. It told the touching story of twins who were able to reconnect after years apart, which was only made possible with the affordable travel arrangements they were able to make through the site.
➔ With assistance from PR, your company can also learn the best ways to show how you add value and connect with journalists to really give them what they want. This way, you, too, can increase your chances for media coverage and visibility.
Example No. 3: Dove
This company provides a great example of what can happen when you really listen to your customers and prospects. After launching a major global study called “The Real Truth About Beauty,” it published the results and started its “Campaign for Real Beauty.” This came after learning that many women felt that the definition of beauty being pushed upon them was unrealistic and discouraging.
This campaign sparked international discussions and studies about beauty images, the entertainment industry and self-esteem in girls. Even during current events not related to Dove, such as overly thin models being banned from the runways in Spain, the company name and its campaign are frequently mentioned.
➔ With research and assistance from PR, your company can also develop corporate social responsibility initiatives that get you noticed and boost your credentials as a thought-leader in your industry. When your target audiences see that your company is working to affect change in the issues they care about, they are more likely to choose you over your competition.
Use PR to your advantage
The right PR firm can help your company get in front of consumers in a meaningful way and demonstrate your value, which will ultimately increase your profitability. At Axia Public Relations, we have the PR tools and measurement techniques to contribute to your success. Register today for our 60-Second Impact for more information.
Do you have other examples of brands that are winning? Contact us and tell us all about the companies on your list.

Topics: public relations, PR success stories
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