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What’s the next up-and-coming social media platform?

By Nicole Cardenas

A phone with Facebook on it and "social media" spelled out in tiles next to it.As a public relations professional, it’s our job to stay up-to-date on the digital world. It is important to familiarize yourself with new trends and the tools and technology needed to succeed on social media. 


Currently, the most popular social media platform is Facebook with about 2.45 billion active users. Although Facebook may be at the top right now, anything could rapidly increase or decrease its popularity. For example, WhatsApp has seen a huge increase in downloads due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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Here are a few ways to stay on top as the social media world continues to grow:


Figure out the next Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat: 

Do some consistent digital world research. Trends are always changing, and the popularity of social media platforms vary. Instagram and Snapchat may currently dominate, but next year, there may be new apps on the market. That’s why it’s important to research what social media platforms your audience is using. 



Take the risk:

Not knowing if a social media platform will do well is nerve-wracking. The risk is putting time and effort into content on a platform that may not see much engagement. Creating content is always a risk, but if it succeeds, it can attract more engagement for your company. If you have done your research and have put in the work, the chances are worth the risk. 


Be there early:

Those who get there early can own the platform and benefit from it. Being a trend-setter goes a long way for your brand or company. You hold the potential to become an industry influencer, someone who can sway a target audience in a certain direction. 

By staying on top of new and upcoming social media platforms, you have the power to succeed early on and connect with new and existing audiences. You can learn more about the impact that social media has on PR through Axia Public Relations.


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Nicole Cardenas is a fall intern at Axia Public Relations. She is currently studying public relations and event management at the University of Florida. Go Gators!

Topics: shared media, social media, PR planning

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