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What's the worst that can happen without media training?

By Julie Miller


Media training can be as involved as a daylong session with public relations professionals including everything from mock interviews to critiques. This is ideal for someone who has little to no experience speaking with the media. But media training can also be as simple as a quick meeting or call with the public relations team to discuss interview purpose as well as anticipated questions and responses.




Whatever your comfort or experience in speaking with the media, your level of training can make or break your interview. Here are four things that can go wrong if you don’t have media training.


   1. You send the wrong message with your words, demeanor and body language. 

During media training, PR pros can help you craft your words to ensure you stay on topic and convey your message clearly. They can also improve your demeanor and presentation. While what you say is key, your body language is important too. You want to be conversational and likeable without being fake. PR pros can help you fine-tune your presentation to achieve that.


   2. You miss the opportunity to convey key messages.

Media trainers will work with you to help you prepare statements and field questions you may not be expecting. Even if the questions the journalists are asking don’t align with the statements you want to convey, media trainers can help you learn to weave in your key points. Without training, these points may be in your head; but in the spotlight, you may not be able to articulate them.


   3. Your nerves get in the way.

Sure, you can prepare for media interviews by anticipating questions. But when the lights are on and the camera is rolling, your nerves may get the best of you. Every component of media training can help you remain calm and composed. For instance, by doing a mock interview with a PR pro, you can get a sense of how the interview will go. This will give you more confidence going into the interview.


   4. You crash and burn. 

Not every media interview will be perfect, but if you slip up on something, proper training can help you recover swiftly and gracefully. By increasing your ability and confidence in communication through media training, you can recover and carry on to have a productive interview. And in turn, you receive media coverage that helps your company tell its story.


Want to know more about media and spokesperson training? Watch this webinar from Axia Public Relations to learn how to convey the right message to the media.

Spokesperson Training Webinar

JulieMiller.pngJulie Miller is a marketing and communications professional with more than seven years of experience in the industry. She specializes in technology, digital marketing and communications. Julie has worked for Axia Public Relations since November 2015. Connect with Axia on Twitter @axiapr or tell us what you think in the comments below.



Featured image credit: 123rf.com

Topics: public relations, spokesperson training

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