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How architecture firms can benefit from PR

By Lisa Goldsberry

33177979_sWhen designing, architects make sure you leave room for a PR plan

Architecture firms are great at drawing up plans for upcoming building remodels, but often fall short when it comes to executing promotion and publicity efforts for their own companies. The right PR firm can take yours to the next level.

You may think that an architecture firm doesn’t need PR; that its good work literally stands for itself in the buildings and spaces it designs and helps to create. However, unless your name is on everything you’ve ever designed, your work isn’t always apparent to potential clients. That’s where PR can help.

The importance of PR for architecture firms

PR can help you define what differentiates you from the competition. Don’t assume that it’s obvious to everyone; it’s not. To many people, one architectural firm is just as good as another. When you can show what sets your firm apart, clients are more likely to seek you out. You can do this by crafting the right messages and telling your unique story.

PR can help you position your company and CEO as a thought-leader in the architectural industry. Although every client is different, they all have one thing in common: They have a problem in need of a solution. With blogs, media interviews and prestigious awards, you can demonstrate your company’s value to and knowledge about your field, which can help you establish trust and visibility. When potential clients see you as the go-to source for what they need, they’ll be more likely to choose your company when it’s time to select an architectural firm.

PR can handle any crises surrounding your firm. Think a crisis could never happen to your company? Think again. A crisis doesn’t have to be catastrophic (like a building falling down) to cause irreparable damage to your reputation and brand. It could be something as simple as a lawsuit or a misunderstood comment. When a crisis strikes, you have to be prepared to hit the ground running with a trained spokesperson and carefully crafted statements explaining how you will solve it.

Why hiring the right PR firm makes all the difference

Today, it’s more important than ever to stay on top of trends and engage your target audiences. This inevitably involves keeping up with the lightning-fast speed of technology and maintaining an expert knowledge of and familiarity with social media.

All of this can be tough to manage while you’re also running a business and competing for clients. Let the professionals at Axia Public Relations handle it for you. We can help you express who you are, what you do and why potential clients should care.

You use creative vision to help clients build better working and living environments. Axia can show you how to publicize that for increased profits and to grow your business. Contact us today or register for our 60-Second Impact for more information about how we can help you.


Lisa Goldsberry is a writer for Axia Public Relations with more than 15 years of public relations experience. She specializes in business, higher education and technology PR. Connect with Axia Public Relations on Twitter @axiapr.

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