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Why does your company need an effective announcement timeline?

By Marjorie Comer

To maintain client and consumer trust, your company must establish a timeline and game plan for making announcements.


wA clock for a product timeline.For executives, seamless company news announcements are imperative for success, whether about company acquisitions or key new hires. A misstep in a news announcement can make clients and employees feel frustrated and lose trust. Here are some of our stories and recommendations for creating successful company announcement timelines.


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Experiences your company can learn from

  • We’ve seen a company acquire a medical practice and then announce the acquisition on social media. Many patients were unaware of the acquisition until they saw the social media announcement. Due to the nature of the practice, patients were left feeling shocked, frustrated, and concerned about their future care. Several days after the post went live, patients received letters from the practice about the acquisition. The letters addressed many items of concern, but the company should have sent them sooner to inform patients before the social media announcement and reduce their frustration and worry.
  • A company we worked with wanted to announce their new hire for a key position. They originally envisioned a multi-day release, where the board and company employees would receive the news first, followed by consumers, and then the news media several days later. However, in understanding the company’s market and the nature of its business (key consumers were also members of the media), we recommended the company release the news to employees, consumers, and the media on the same day. That way, neither employees nor consumers could release the news before the company, allowing it to maintain control of the narrative. 

Recommendations to take with you

  1. When your company has a timely announcement, consult with your PR firm as soon as possible, as it may take time for them to determine your objective and develop the best messaging strategy. 
  2. Decide on the announcement date and create a release timeline going backward from the anticipated announcement date. 
  3. Determine what kind of announcement you will need. Is it a news release only to the media? A blog post for your website and social media channels? A letter mailed to your customers, or would an email blast suffice? 
  4. Identify if you need a spokesperson and if they need spokesperson training
  5. Discuss if it’s worth connecting with a single reporter and establishing an embargo (evaluate whether it is necessary, as an embargo may not be ideal for every announcement).
  6. Don’t be surprised if your PR firm advocates for the proper time to create a news release, pitch, accompanying collateral, and other items they need to ensure your announcement is the most effective and successful it can be. 
  7. Stay positive and flexible as the announcement date gets closer. 

Company announcements shouldn’t be rocky or leave a poor taste in consumers’ mouths like the examples above. Having a partner in the process is important. For more insight, check out our webinar on media and spokesperson training. Additionally, through our MediaMaster service, we can coach your company’s spokespersons to succeed in news, media coverage, and corporate communications.



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