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Why is PR important in building brands?

By Christie Parhiala

Why you need a PR expert on your team


Someone advising another person by pointing on a computer screen.Having someone on your team that knows PR can make the difference in your brand’s success. Brand awareness, crisis management, social media, and audience analytics are all areas that a PR professional should be knowledgeable in.




Unlike advertising, PR works to build a relationship between the business and the consumer. Brands that have a strong relationship with their consumers will have more support from the community and become more reputable.  


One of the main goals of public relations is to tell the story of a brand through media relations. Someone who’s an expert in media relations will know how to tell your story in a way the client will understand and relate to. They will be able to identify exactly who your target audience is and the best way to reach them. 


Audience Analysis 

Once you have information on your audience, you can recognize what tools and resources will best suit your campaign. What social media apps would be best to reach your target audience? If they don’t use social media, what other ways could you reach them? Would sending them mail or emailing them be better? Knowing these things can strengthen your outreach and bring in your targeted audience.


Online presence 

Improving your online presence and increasing awareness is another area PR professionals are experts in. By posting authentic content often and engaging with your audience, your company will gain loyalty and trust. Having knowledge of SEO will be a game changer when putting together your website. What keywords are people searching to find services like yours? If they’re not on Google, where are people searching for business? Is it through Instagram hashtags or influencers? 


Having someone on your team that knows PR is not only smart but a game changer. This will increase your company’s credibility, profits, and awareness, and it will save a lot of time and money. 


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Christie Parhiala is a fall intern at Axia Public Relations. She is currently a public relations and marketing student at the University of North Florida. 


Photo by John Schnobrich from Unsplash.

Topics: public relations, branding

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