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PR Firm for Franchisors

When you search for new ways to communicate with the public and demonstrate what you do best, there is no substitute for quality public relations. How your story and message are presented to the world can have a significant impact on your return, so having a sound PR strategy is essential.  


In addition, in our always-connected society, it’s essential to have not just one good PR strategy but several. At Axia Public Relations, we believe we and our 20 colleagues across the continent can help. We serve franchisors and other companies at regional and national levels, providing quality PR services that help increase exposure and sales.


Below are just a few reasons why you should consider Axia PR:

  1. We're PR experts.
    Our stellar track record and recognition support this claim. We have served countless PR needs in a myriad of industries.

  2. We know traditional PR doesn’t work anymore.
    Partnering with HubSpot, we are abundantly proud of our inbound marketing methods that virtually attract new customers to your company.

  3. Value-Driven Approach
    Utilizing a flat-rate billing system, we avoid the tedious practice of charging clients for each individual project aspect. Rather than tracking hours, we focus on our results and their corresponding value. Our experience has shown that hourly billing engagements are not in anyone’s best interest, so we strive to avoid them.

Axia PR is committed to staying true to our core values:

  1. Integrity
    Always do what’s right by honoring our commitments and the PRSA Code of Ethics.

  2. Ideas
    Develop innovative solutions to business challenges.

  3. Relationships
    Build and leverage mutually beneficial relationships.

  4. Results
    Ambitiously drive desired, measurable results.

  5. Improvement
    Get 1% better every day by consistently investing in professional development.

These essential values are behind the work we perform every day. It shapes the way we hire, recruit, and train our staff. If you align with these values, we look forward to working with you. Check out some of our case studies.

A business with an open sign.

Our Franchisor Experience:

AM Best
AM Best
AM Best
AM Best

What is PR?

If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a million times. People struggle to understand the differences between traditional marketing and public relations. While the two have similarities, PR can include multiple media avenues and countless ways to spread a message.

When companies partner with Axia PR, one of our main goals is to promote and protect their reputation and brand identity. We accomplish this through a variety of services, including: 


News media, or “earned media,” is the content generated when your company or representative appears in a news story. This also can include speaking engagements, winning awards, guest appearances on podcasts, spokesperson media training, and crisis management, among PR news services.  


Online user-generated content is referred to as social media, or “shared media.” This media can include social networking, online reviews, reputation management, influencer marketing, influencer sites, questions and answers, and other sites featuring user-generated content.


Web media, or “owned media” refers to content you create and own. Your website, blogs, newsrooms, search engine optimization, inbound marketing, email marketing, and landing pages can all fall under this umbrella.


By crafting a sound plan that utilizes all three media formats, we can help craft a winning PR campaign that puts your message in front of a new audience. Axia PR can focus efforts on booking speaking engagements for you, submitting your businesses for awards, managing your online reviews, and more as you work to grow your business.

Why Hire a PR Team?

Amid the current market, it can feel like you’re being asked too much. On top of your daily needs and satisfying your stakeholders, you may not feel you have adequate time or resources to enhance your public relations. With Axia PR, you don’t need to. We can manage your PR strategy both initially and going forward. While you focus on expanding your operations and building onto what you already have, we can spread your message across your market area.


PR is a measurable commodity as well. At Axia PR, we work to remain an industry leader when it comes to reporting, measuring, and evaluating best practices for clients. We will provide a detailed analysis to show what works and what can be improved. This means you won’t be left guessing what you need to continue doing or change. You’ll see the data for yourself!

PR Services for Franchisor Companies

Franchisor brands invest $120K-$600K annually in Axia’s custom strategic communications solutions:

  • NewsBureau – U.S. media relations for earned media coverage
  • CrisisPoint – crisis communications and crisis PR management
  • MediaMaster – certified spokespersons training for news media interviews
  • PodcastValet – earn podcast interview appearances
  • KeyNote – book earned, sponsored, and paid speaking engagements
  • AwardAbility – award entry management, writing, and submissions
  • SocialNetwork – social media publishing and community engagement
  • ReputationRestoration – improve online reputation management
  • ReviewMaxer – online review management platform
  • InfluencerInsights – connect with and leverage brand influencers
  • Growth-Driven Design – modern, mobile, content, and data-focused site design
  • Inbound – online content that uses SEO to attract more leads
  • BlogoSphere – expert helpful and how-to blogging that attracts more leads
  • Brandcast – your company's branded podcast or videocast

Examples of News Media Success for Franchisors

Franchise World
Chicago Tribune coverage of Brightway Insurance
Franchisor earned PR example

Contact Us Today for Your Free Consultation!

We look forward to showing you what Axia PR can do for you and your aspirations. We can provide a hand-crafted PR campaign as well as ongoing PR management. When you’re ready, please visit our Become a Client form, give us a call at 888-PR-FIRM-8 (888-773-4768), and let’s schedule a free consultation to go over your business’ needs and begin building your company’s media empire!