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Strategic Plan

Your custom Strategic PR Plan gives your organization a crucial framework for achieving its communications goals. 


Axia’s experts design your plan to address your brand’s unique needs, harnessing information from critical audiences, SMARTER objectives, key messages, and content and activity calendars. The plan establishes key performance indicators and a quarterly evaluation process to ensure your organization stays on track.


The Strategic PR Plan offers you 10 essential components to help you reach your public relations campaign goals.


  1. Situation appraisal

Our PR team starts by identifying your company’s status (what you want to correct, prevent, and maintain) and baselines for measurement. 

  1. Clear goals

We define 1-3 strategic communication goals for the campaign that align with your organization’s objectives.

  1. Target audiences

You’ll get critical insight into what groups or subgroups to communicate with, their attitudes toward your brand, and the behavioral changes you seek to accomplish through your campaign (such as awareness, attitude, or action).


This will help your team understand: 

  • Who needs to know? 
  • Who do we need to involve? 
  • Whose advice or support do we need? 
  • Who will this affect positively or negatively?
  1. Objectives

We develop SMARTER objectives detailing what your organization wants to achieve and four communication objectives that lay the groundwork for the plan.

  1. Strategies 

For each communication objective, we design a corresponding strategy for your brand. The strategies may include how to leverage positioning, key messages to use, who to collaborate with, and channels to use to reach your target audience.

  1. Tactics

For each strategy, we develop corresponding tactics for carrying them out.

  1. Activity calendar

You’ll have a chronological schedule that outlines plans for PR activities — including deliverables, tasks, accountable team members, internal and external meetings, and checkpoints to ensure you’re on track to reach your campaign goals. 

  1. Measurement

We’ll explain Axia’s PR measurement framework and recommend metrics your team can use to measure activity and results throughout the campaign.

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  1. Budget items

Your plan includes a detailed, itemized list of resources and corresponding investments. These investments may include the cost of PR experts (whether internal employees or an outside PR agency), copy editing, software, tools, sponsored content, additional meetings, reports, images, and other materials.


  1. Evaluation

The final component of your Strategic PR Plan simply evaluates your organization’s success in meeting each communication objective through monthly and quarterly KPIs.


Did we meet or exceed <Communications Objective>?

  1. Monthly KPIs to monitor:
  2. Quarterly KPIs to monitor:



Invest in a Strategic PR Plan.


We'll develop a custom plan for your PR campaign, equipping your team with critical insight into target audiences, SMARTER objectives, key messages, content and activity calendars, KPIs, evaluation frameworks, and more.




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