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PR Hack of the Week

Axia Public Relations

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Be a sponge


Never stop being curious because you can always learn something new every day.


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Topics: PR tips

You can never have too much experience


There are skills that you can only learn from immersing yourself. There are always new opportunities and assignments to learn and grow from.


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Topics: PR tips

Build on your goals


Once you set and complete your work or career goals, they shouldn’t end there. Building on your goals will help to continue your journey and increase your confidence.


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Topics: PR tips

Put yourself in your client's shoes


Sometimes it can help to think like your client. Get to know your audience and their habits.


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Topics: PR tips

Use LinkedIn to your advantage


This platform is the best way to make new connections. These connections can lead you to getting endorsements or new opportunities.


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Build context around your product


Look at the big picture of your product. Create a story that people can connect with. 


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Take some time to unplug


Taking some time for yourself is important to succeed and create new ideas. It is beneficial to log off your socials and put away any electronics and take a few minutes to just breathe.


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Get involved with influencers


Social media influencers have taken over the media industry and are on the rise. Having an influencer can make your organization more noticeable and approachable.


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Always disclose relationships


If you’re promoting an organization’s services and you have a relationship with that organization, you must disclose it. Whether it’s in public speaking, social media, or other communications, you have an ethical and regulatory obligation to do so.


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Topics: PR tips, ethics, social media

Be a resource


Always be eager to help or give any feedback. Different perspectives and opinions can help to overcome roadblocks or inspire new ideas.


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Topics: PR tips

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