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PR Success Stories: Ford Creates a Buzz Through the Power of Public Relations


Billed as the sports car for people who dislike driving sports cars, the creators of the Ford Mustang opted for a slow and strategic approach when it came to promoting its latest concept. Rather than solely relying on an expensive advertising budget, Ford instead began focusing its efforts on a media relations campaign. Understanding the power and influence a public buzz could generate, the carmaker starting leaking information to the media almost a year prior to the vehicle’s launch.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

PR tip: Great coverage doesn't happen overnight

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR tips

PR Success Story: The Power of Public Relations in Overcoming National Controversy


In what began as a simple plan to promote construction of a Vietnam War memorial in Washington D.C., project fundraisers soon found themselves becoming the source of a dispute that quickly spread across the country. Architecture major Maya Lin's vision of a "rift in the earth" created by a polished black stone wall on which the etched names of the dead or missing would appear, generated as much praise as it did intense opposition. At the center of contention lay disagreement over the chosen design's ability to provide dignity and valor to the memory of the war's fallen servicemen. Now far removed from simply promoting a non-profit fund and its statue, PR experts responsible for the memorial's image instead found themselves in the middle a struggle to find a resolution that would benefit their client as well as the public at large.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

PR Success Stories: PR gives Orville’s Gourmet Popping Corn a Second Chance


Having sold his “gourmet” popcorn concept to Hunt-Wesson Foods, Orville Clarence Redenbacher believed he had created the freshest and most satisfying snack experience to come from a kernel of corn. Unfortunately for Orville and Hunt-Wesson, few were swayed by the idea of a popcorn delicacy costing twice as much as other brands. Despite attempts to impress shop owners with the snack’s fluffier qualities, none could foresee it becoming a popular selling item, simply refusing to carry the product as a result. Typically signifying the end of the line for most brands, Hunt-Wesson instead chose to rely on the power and influence of public relations in resurrecting this seemingly dead horse. What transpired became perhaps one of the best examples of turnaround profits in the marketing industry.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

PR Success Stories: Seat Belts Save Lives Because of Public Relations


The potential for public relations to create positive social change would prove its worth in 1971 when administrative leaders within the U.S. Department of Transportation sought to replace car seatbelts with air bags in all new vehicles starting in 1974. The controversial move lay with the fact that although seatbelts had saved thousands of lives, they remained very unpopular with American consumers, the majority simply refusing to wear them. The solution, some claimed, would come from eliminating seatbelts entirely, and in their place installing the newer, less irritating airbag technology. This decision would be supported despite reservations from auto industry manufacturers that airbags came with several drawbacks, including potential injury to children, damage to ear drums as a result of the explosive noise and their tendency to distract drivers attempting to navigate through accidents.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

The Power of PR (Positive Relationships)

In Oprah’s final episode, she was asked if there was a common thread throughout her 25 years on air. As she reflected on decades of interactions and interviews, she distilled it down to one thing all of her guests shared:

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR tips

PR Success Stories: Local TV News Coverage Saves Fledgling Cosmetics Company from Financial Ruin


Serial innovator and entrepreneur Wayne Beckley had stumbled across what he felt was a revolutionary take on a cosmetic skin product: grape seed-based moisturisers. Research suggested that the antioxidants present within grape seeds are 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 25 times more powerful than vitamin C in protecting and rejuvenating skin. Aptly named Merlot and marketed as a cutting-edge solution to the aging process, Beckley’s science-backed product had him optimistic about his chances of success. Initial results, however, would prove disappointing. Despite the favorable research, no one was purchasing Merlot Skincare Products and, to his disbelief, Beckley began to receive phone calls from store managers asking him to remove his “unsellable product” from store shelves.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

PR Success Stories: Tylenol Crisis Averted with Responsive Crisis PR


During the early 1980s, Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) Tylenol suffered a catastrophic setback due to product tampering that resulted in the deaths of seven people. News of bottles being laced with cyanide quickly spread, creating a nationwide panic that was expected to cause irreparable damage to the brand’s image. Many experts assumed nothing could be done to repair the injury done to J&J’s most profitable product. However, the pharmaceutical company would embark on a public relations and media relations strategy that not only minimized reputational harm, but also led to sales rebounding to pre-crisis levels.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories, crisis communications

PR Success Stories: Airborne Sales Skyrocket after Oprah


Victoria Knight-McDowell, a 2nd grade school teacher had developed a blend of 17 herbs infused with zinc, amino acids, vitamins A, C and E, and marketed it as a natural preventive and cure for the common cold. In an effort to gain greater publicity for their product, Airborne, Victoria and her husband relied primarily on utilizing the general public’s approval and affection to spread knowledge of the brand.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

PR Success Stories: Public Relations Key to Sara Lee’s Launch, Nationwide Growth and Recognition


Charlie Lubin’s decision to utilize the power of public relations in promoting his baking company, Sara Lee, is perhaps one of the best examples of how a PR agency’s creativity can turn a small startup into a nationally recognized, multi-million-dollar corporation. Founded in 1949, Sara Lee’s unique concept lay in creating cheesecakes with real butter and extra eggs, a stark contrast to the typical industry practice of the day. Charging 79 cents per cake, Lubin had customers paying more than double the price of his competition. Chicagoans didn't mind, it seemed, as Sara Lee's cakes increasingly became a city-wide sensation. Seeing the full potential of his cakes, Lubin decided to implement a national expansion. His only roadblock was his financial inability to pay for a costly advertising campaign.

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Topics: media relations, public relations, PR success stories

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